Since my last blog, almost 5 months ago would you believe, I've bowed to a huge proverbial mountain of life changes including a brand-new job and the expected adjustment to parenthood. And what an adjustment it has been! Absolutely nothing prepares you for the tumultuous chaos a new born brings you. Your mind is expecting sleepless nights, hours of seemingly fruitless pacing up and down and the constant attention monopoly, but somehow it still comes as a surprise at 4am when you have to leave for work at 7:30. Let us not be fooled, parenthood is hard, but my goodness it's worth it. Olivia graces us with the most pulchritudinous expressions I have ever seen. Her smiles, grins and giggles fill our world with colour that simply cannot be matched. Marcus Cicero once said, "the greater the difficulty, the greater the glory" and in the case of child rearing, a truer word could not have been spoken.
It is with great sadness I have recently overheard or read parents expressing their dissatisfaction with parenthood stating such things as that their children are causing them copious amounts of stress and that they are 'doing their heads in.' I do wonder if these parents will be the ones that in years to come fail to have a bond with their grown up offspring. I do genuinely fail to see how any parent can derive anything other than elated joy in the broad strokes with regards to their children, and indeed this opinion is shared by Suzanne who positively laps up the sleepless nights and the teething and the sick stained clothing. She, and I, do this because there is no reward greater for such hard work than to have just a single smile of appreciation in return.
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Location:Bedlington,United Kingdom
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