Saturday, 3 April 2010

Trimester? I thought that was a term in an American School?

Benjamin Franklin said, "A ship under sail and a big-bellied woman, are the handsomest two things that can be seen common." Of course, he was referring to pregnancy. From afar, perhaps a large waddling pregnant woman isn't the most attractive of sights, but to see that growth and to contemplate on the reasons behind the waddle make it one of the most beautiful things imaginable. Perhaps this is not the case for the person carrying, but I doubt there are a great deal of people in this world who actually consider themselves beautiful and take a daily look in the mirror and think 'yes, I am deeply attractive.' Seeing Suzanne fills me with joy because the visual impact spells out the future to come, and what's more, a future that I had a hand in creating, and one that I am 50% responsible for carving out. A more magical feeling there is not.

23 weeks have passed since that phone call in York, and pregnancy is now the topic of everywhere we go together. Be it the baby kicking and those around us fascination with said kicking or Suzanne's incessant need for the toilet, it's at the forefront of everything we do. As weeks go by, parts of our lives are changing. From a new car to a re-arrangement of furniture to suit a newborn baby, everything around us centers around only one thing.

And that's where we catch up to the now, and this actually becomes a blog! Who knows if I will keep updating. Who knows if anyone will actually read this. But I hope I do, and I hope you do.

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