Monday 26 March 2012

A road to parenthood repeated

I am stunned to see the last time I blogged was an entire year ago!

I have news, which if you are reading this is probably not new, that my road to parenthood is about to begin all over again. We are due a new baby in just over two weeks.

Sadly my praxis of blogging is somewhat patchy and for the paucity of entertained readers I have, I can only apologise for such procrastinating and sheer laziness on my part.

This, second round, is to be our swan song, spelling out the final chapter of pregnancy, child birth, breast feeding and everything that ensues. After a transitory thought process we decided this is to be our last baby, although I do appreciate these can be famous last words and somehow, and I'm still to this day unsure how, more children can come along 'quite by accident.' I always felt that stating a child was an accident is akin to saying one accidentally got ones car wet whilst washing it. I jest, of course. I know there can be preventative measure failures. I just hope such doesn't happen to me, because frankly, I really don't want to buy a Vauxhall Zafira.

This time round has been an altogether different experience. It has brought a clarity of understanding to me with regards to people with 4 or more children and how they seem to almost forget they are there. It seems true that as the number of children increases, the sense of urgency and in some ways the whimsical nostalgia fades a little. At this stage in Olivia's term, we were frantically creating nursery lists, planning rooms, cars, and making sure our entire household was correctly geared. This time round I can safely say we've done nothing. Perhaps this is aplomb derived from the knowledge that raising children isn't actually that hard. Gasp, I hear you, but bare with me. The fundamentals of child rearing are feed it, change it, wind it, put it to sleep. Animals do it (save for the changing) and they have but a paucity of brain cells in comparison to us. But you see it's only hindsight that imparts you with this realisation. If you go back to the beginning of my blog you'll see my tales of anxiety and a general sense of being in trepidation. Non of these feelings are present as I type this. Well, maybe a little.

Being spared of most of the disquietude has in some ways taken the excitement out of having a baby. No rushing around buying things, no militaristic planning, in fact it almost feels like we're planning to pick something up from the hospital. Although I'm sure, faced with the newborn, it will all coming flooding back. Oh, and I'm sure Suzanne will have differing opinions on the matter, but this is my blog, so ner.

I promise to blog when the baby arrives. Might need a bit of reminding.
Paulie x

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